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2025-02-18 15:25:17 +01:00
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | General Settings |
# | |
# | Provides a set of generic settings which should apply to all accounts managed by |
# | the Impactor economy service. |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# This setting controls if users are capable of transfering currency between two accounts
# via commands or other functionality such as /pay. Currencies without this setting set
# follow this config option, allowing them to either be allowed for transfer or not.
allow-transfer-for-not-set = false
restrictions {
enabled = true
minimum-balance = "0.0"
maximum-balance = "100000000000.0"
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Currency Definitions |
# | |
# | This section allows you to create your own currencies to use within Impactor's |
# | economy service. |
# | |
# | A currency is denoted by a key, indicating source of creation as well as the ideal |
# | name of the currency. This allows for similarly named currencies, so long as their |
# | keys are different. |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
currencies {
# Creates a currency denoted by the unique key, "impactor:dollars"
"impactor:dollars" {
# Represents naming schemes for the currency when formatting balances in a non-condensed mode
singular = Dollar
plural = Dollars
# Specifies the number of decimal places to format numerical values with
decimals = 2
# Indicates that this currency should be considered the primary/fallback currency
primary = true
# Indicates the amount of money a new account created under this currency should start with
default-balance = 500.0
# Specifies the symbol used for the currency
symbol = "$"
# States if this currency is capable of being transfered amongst holders
transferable = true
# Specifies the ways a currency can be formatted. The following tags are supplied in order to
# properly display each individual component of the currency:
# |=> symbol - The symbol for the currency
# |=> amount - The money based value
# |=> name - The name of the currency, in either its singular or plural naming scheme
formatting {
condensed = "<green><symbol><amount>"
expanded = "<yellow><amount> <gray><name>"
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Storage Settings |
# | |
# | These settings govern how the plugin will maintain and manage its data set. Impactor |
# | offers a wide set of options when it comes to data management, and it provides you |
# | the freedom to choose exactly how you wish to have it control that data. |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
storage {
# How the plugin should store data
# - The various options are explained in more detail on the wiki:
# https://github.com/lucko/LuckPerms/wiki/Choosing-a-Storage-type
# - Possible options:
# | Remote databases - require connection information to be configured below
# |=> MySQL
# |=> MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
# |=> PostgreSQL
# | Local databases - Databases which exist only locally
# |=> H2 (Default)
# | Readable & editable text files - don't require any extra configuration
# |=> JSON (.json files)
# |=> HOCON (.hocon)
# |=> YAML (.yaml)
# - The JSON flatfile provider is the default option.
method = "json"
# The following configuration block is used to define the connection paramters for
# your selected storage provider.
# NOTE: These settings are only neccessary when using remote databases. JSON and other
# local storage providers require no connection information. If you are using a local
# storage provider option, you can ignore this section
data {
# Defines the address and port for the database
# - The standard DB engine port is used by default
# (MySQL = 3306, PostgreSQL = 5432)
# - Specify as "host:port" if you use a different port
address = "localhost"
# Specifies the name of the database to store Impactor data in.
# - This database must already be created. Impactor will make no attempt to create the database
# for you.
database = "minecraft"
# Connection credentials for the database
username = "root"
password = ""
# These settings apply to the MySQL/MariaDB connection pool.
# - The default values will typically be suitable for the majority of users.
# - Do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing!
pool-settings {
# Sets the maximum size of the MySQL/MariaDB connection pool.
# - Basically, this value will determine the maximum number of actual
# connections to the database backend.
# - More information about determining the size of connection pools can be found here:
# https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/About-Pool-Sizing
maximum-pool-size = 10
# Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will try to maintain.
# - For maximum performance and responsiveness to spike demands, it is recommended to not set
# this value and instead allow the pool to act as a fixed size connection pool.
# (set this value to the same as 'maximum-pool-size')
minimum-idle = 10
# This setting controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds.
# - The value should be at least 30 seconds less than any database or infrastructure imposed
# connection time limit.
maximum-lifetime = 1800000 # 30 minutes
# This setting controls the maximum number of milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a
# connection from the pool, before timing out.
connection-timeout = 5000 # 5 seconds
# This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections.
properties {
useUnicode = true
characterEncoding = "utf8"
# The prefix for all Impactor SQL tables.
# - Change this if you want to use different tables for different servers
table-prefix = "impactor_"