  "implemented": true,
  "name": "Polteageist",
  "nationalPokedexNumber": 855,
  "primaryType": "ghost",
  "abilities": ["weakarmor", "h:cursedbody"],
  "baseStats": {
    "hp": 60,
    "attack": 65,
    "defence": 65,
    "special_attack": 134,
    "special_defence": 114,
    "speed": 70
  "catchRate": 60,
  "maleRatio": -1,
  "shoulderMountable": false,
  "forms": [
      "name": "Antique",
      "primaryType": "ghost",
      "abilities": ["weakarmor", "h:cursedbody"],
      "baseStats": {
        "hp": 60,
        "attack": 65,
        "defence": 65,
        "special_attack": 134,
        "special_defence": 114,
        "speed": 70
      "catchRate": 60,
      "maleRatio": -1,
      "baseExperienceYield": 178,
      "baseFriendship": 50,
      "evYield": {
        "hp": 0,
        "attack": 0,
        "defence": 0,
        "special_attack": 2,
        "special_defence": 0,
        "speed": 0
      "experienceGroup": "medium_fast",
      "eggCycles": 20,
      "eggGroups": ["undiscovered"],
      "labels": ["gen8"],
      "aspects": ["is_antique"],
      "height": 2,
      "weight": 4,
      "preEvolution": "sinistea form=Antique",
      "evolutions": [],
      "cannotDynamax": false,
      "battleOnly": false
  "baseExperienceYield": 178,
  "experienceGroup": "medium_fast",
  "eggCycles": 20,
  "eggGroups": ["mineral", "amorphous"],
  "moves": [
  "labels": ["gen8"],
  "pokedex": [
    "Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new Polteageist."
  "preEvolution": "sinistea",
  "evolutions": [],
  "baseScale": 1,
  "hitbox": {
    "width": 0.75,
    "height": 1.5,
    "fixed": false
  "baseFriendship": 50,
  "evYield": {
    "hp": 0,
    "attack": 0,
    "defence": 0,
    "special_attack": 2,
    "special_defence": 0,
    "speed": 0
  "height": 2,
  "weight": 4,
  "aspects": [],
  "features": ["is_antique"],
  "cannotDynamax": false