    "worldedit.expand.description.vert": "The sky's the limit, lads!",
    "worldedit.brush.radius-too-large": "Radius of yer biggest brush what be allowed: {0}",
    "worldedit.brush.apply.radius": "How big yer brush be",
    "worldedit.brush.apply.shape": "The shape of yer region",
    "worldedit.brush.paint.description": "Paint Brush, what be for slappin' functions to the hull, ye dill pickle",
    "worldedit.brush.paint.size": "How big yer brush be",
    "worldedit.brush.paint.shape": "The shape of yer region",
    "worldedit.brush.paint.density": "How dense yer brush be",
    "worldedit.fast.disabled": "Fast mode be scuppered.",
    "worldedit.fast.enabled": "Fast mode, ahoy! Strange lights may be seen, not in keepin' with the lay of the land, the likes o' which may make you want to rejoin yer senses.",
    "worldedit.fast.disabled.already": "Fast mode be scuppered already, cap'n.",
    "worldedit.fast.enabled.already": "We be in Fast mode already, cap'n.",
    "worldedit.gmask.disabled": "Yer global mask be clear.",
    "worldedit.gmask.set": "Yer global mask be set.",
    "worldedit.clearhistory.cleared": "Cleared the captain's log.",
    "worldedit.raytrace.noblock": "Thar be no blocks in sight, captain!",
    "worldedit.hpos.no-block": "Thar be no blocks in sight, captain!",
    "worldedit.set.done": "Y'er plunderin' be complete.",
    "worldedit.set.done.verbose": "Y'er plunderin' be complete ({0}).",
    "worldedit.unstuck.moved": "Full speed ahead!",
    "worldedit.tool.no-block": "Thar be no blocks in sight, captain!",
    "worldedit.tool.deltree.not-tree": "Y'arr, that ain't no tree.",
    "worldedit.tool.tree.obstructed": "Y'arr, 'tis no place for a tree.",
    "worldedit.error.invalid-page": "There be no chart of that number, captain",
    "worldedit.sideeffect.state.on": "Aye",
    "worldedit.sideeffect.state.off": "Nay",
    "worldedit.cli.stopping": "Walking the plank!",
    "worldedit.cli.unknown-command": "The crew dunno yer order!"