// Run `/waila reload` to apply changes server-wide.
// Run `/wailac reload` to apply changes to only your client.
// Operators:
// @namespace - include objects based on their namespace location
// #tag       - include objects based on data pack tags
// /regex/    - include objects based on regular expression
// default    - include objects with specific ID
// An exclamation mark (!) prefix can be added which negates the pattern.
// Any entries matching previous rules will be removed from it.
// Can be combined with other rule to exclude what matches the rule.
// Example:
// @aether              - include all block from the aether namespace
// #minecraft:planks    - include all blocks in the planks tag
// /.*_ore/             - include all blocks that ends with "_ore"
// minecraft:iron_block - include only the iron block
// !/.*:oak_.*$/        - exclude all blocks that its path start with "oak_"
// The `#waila:blacklist` tag rule can not be removed
  blocks: [
  blockEntityTypes: [
  entityTypes: [
  // The values below are used internally by WTHIT, you SHOULD NOT modify it!
  configVersion: 0,
  pluginHash: [