 "Redistributed" means any copy of AllTheMons that is available to download in any location that is not this Modrinth page.
"Collaborators" refers to owners, volunteer staff, paid staff, commissioners, contributors, or any person related to or involved in the management of a server or other piece of licensed software.
"Profiting" or "profit off of", in the context of using AllTheMons, includes but is not limited to, adding AllTheMons to ANY server[s] with microtransactions and/or ANY server[s] connected to donation services like Ko-Fi or Patreon, including any servers with owners, staff, or other collaborators who use their server to direct people to their own Ko-Fi or Patreon, in an attempt to harvest revenue, for personal gain or otherwise.
"Conspicuous area" in the context of crediting AllTheMons means placing credit in any area that is certain to be viewed in order to install the redistributed version of AllTheMons
"Sufficiently credited", in the context of using AllTheMons, means individually crediting every contributor of AllTheMons, including what they contributed towards, as well as recognizing EasySqueeze as the creator and compiler of the pack, in a conspicuous area (see above definition).
"Multiplayer world" refers to any Minecraft world that can be accessed by multiple different accounts simultaneously. Examples include, but are not limited to, servers and realms.
“Private” multiplayer worlds include LAN worlds and servers that are invite-only or require you to fill out an application and have it be approved before you can ever enter the world. In order for a pack to fall under the definition of “private”, the server IP required to connect to it must NOT be in a conspicuous area, or anywhere that can be seen without the host’s intention being for it to be seen. If the host’s intention is for it to be seen, it would fall under “Public.”
“Public” multiplayer worlds include servers where the IP required to connect to the aforementioned server is in a conspicuous area and where the host of the server’s intention is for the server’s IP to be seen and for anyone to be able to join.
"Single player world" refers to a literal single player world in a programming sense, but it also means that the world is not capable of holding more than one player, who is the host/owner of the world file, unless the "Open to LAN" option is selected.

All Rights Reserved for EasySqueeze. 

To contact EasySqueeze, the author of the software that is AllTheMons, reach out to me on my Discord server, linked here, or for private inquiries, email me at For clarification, the inclusion of this email is not meant to be sarcastic or comedic, and is an actual email that is read frequently by EasySqueeze.

This license also applies to every contributor of the pack, for which a full list can be found here. All modified copies of AllTheMons that have been made on or after 11/11/2024 are by default under this license, and are required by law to be under this license with All Rights Reserved for EasySqueeze. Any modified versions of this pack made before 11/11/24 fall under GPL-3.0-ONLY.
EasySqueeze has the sole, legal right under this license to modify and redistribute AllTheMons, as he is the author of the software. 
EasySqueeze does NOT have the right to break any of the rules in this license regarding the creation and hosting of multiplayer worlds (see Definitions, “Multiplayer world”).
AllTheMons and EasySqueeze are NOT liable for any damages caused by unofficial modified copies of the pack, or by software or files that claim to be affiliated with AllTheMons but are not. Always proceed with caution when downloading unofficial files.

Sharing modified copies of AllTheMons is heavily moderated. Any modified copies must meet ALL of the following criteria in order to be legal to redistribute:

If they contain newly added assets (as in assets that were not already present within the current official version of AllTheMons found on the Modrinth), including models, animations, and textures, sufficient credit (see Definitions, “sufficiently credited”) must be given to the author of said assets. This is not required if the author of the modified file is also the author of the assets.
They must not contain any malicious software that could potentially damage the user of said software, which includes but is not limited to damage to a device’s hardware, or the intentional causing of harm to any form of save data on a device that existed before the download of the unofficial modified software.
Be either unlicensed, which means the file by default is under this license, or be specifically and/or intentionally put under this license.

Using AllTheMons in any singleplayer world is completely allowed, and anyone can use modified copies of AllTheMons in a single player setting (see Definitions, “Single player world”).

Using AllTheMons in a private multiplayer world (see Definitions, “Multiplayer world”) is completely allowed, as long as the server meets all of the following criteria:
Nobody is profiting off of AllTheMons in any capacity (see Definitions, "Profiting").
AllTheMons is sufficiently credited (see Definitions, "Sufficiently credited").

Using AllTheMons in any public multiplayer world (see Definitions, “Multiplayer world” for elaboration on what exactly “public” means in this context.) is completely allowed, as long as the multiplayer world meets all of the following criteria:
Nobody is profiting off of AllTheMons in any capacity (see Definitions, "Profiting").
AllTheMons is sufficiently credited (see Definitions, "Sufficiently credited").
The multiplayer world does not do any of the following:
Promote or display hate speech, which includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
Promote or display highly obscene content, which includes but is not limited to extreme violence and gore, nudity.
Promote or display people committing serious crimes in the real world (meaning NOT crimes within minecraft, such as killing a player in game), which includes any and all U.S. felony crimes. The promotion of any activity, legal or not, will be assumed to fall under the laws of the U.S., as AllTheMons is licensed in the U.S., thus U.S. felony crimes that may not be illegal in the location the aforementioned multiplayer world is hosted in will still be treated as a violation of this license.