  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  //              Item Obliterator by ElocinDev
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // How to add items?
  //   - They are json strings, so you need to separate each
  //     entry with a comma, except the last
  //   - If you start an entry with !, it will be treated as a regular expression
  //     Example: "!minecraft:.*_sword" to disable all swords
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Do not touch this
  "configVersion": 2,
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Items here will be unusable completely
  //    Example: minecraft:diamond
  "blacklisted_items": [
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Removes an item if it contains certain nbt tag. If the whole entry (or expression) is present, the item gets removed.
  // Use with caution! This is a very expensive operation and can cause lag if you have a lot of items blacklisted.
  // 	 Example to disable a regeneration potion: Potion:"minecraft:regeneration"
  // 	 You can also use regular expressions by starting the value with !
  "blacklisted_nbt": [],
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Items here will not be able to be right-clicked (Interact)
  //    Example: minecraft:apple
  "only_disable_interactions": [
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Items here will not be able to be used to attack
  //    Example: minecraft:diamond_sword
  "only_disable_attacks": [
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Items here will get their recipes disabled
  // Keep in mind this already is applied to blacklisted items
  "only_disable_recipes": [
  // -----------------------------------------------------------
  // If true, the mod will use a hashset to handle the blacklisted items
  // This is a more optimized approach only if you have a lot of items blacklisted (20 or more is recommended)
  // If you just have a small amount of items blacklisted, keep this false
  // [!] Enabling this will disable all regular expressions
  // [!] Does not apply to NBT, only item blacklist / interaction / attack
  "use_hashmap_optimizations": false