[FreeToTake] Generate less 1x1 piece on MapGenerator #41

opened 2023-05-05 00:37:02 +02:00 by tonitch · 1 comment

When the map is generated, there is a lot of 1x1 pieces.

we should limit this.

several way could be (non-exhaustive):

  • randomise between 2 and 3 piece instead of 1 to 3 pieces
  • less isolated cell
  • make a 1x1 piece counter and if there is too many generated, restart the generation.
When the map is generated, there is a lot of 1x1 pieces. we should limit this. several way could be (non-exhaustive): - [x] randomise between 2 and 3 piece instead of 1 to 3 pieces - [x] less isolated cell #40 - [ ] make a 1x1 piece counter and if there is too many generated, restart the generation.
tonitch added the
Moins important
labels 2023-05-05 00:37:02 +02:00

let's fix the number of piece 1*1 to 3 ? maybe more or less ?

let's fix the number of piece 1*1 to 3 ? maybe more or less ?
tonitch added the
label 2023-05-18 18:41:43 +02:00
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