#task make a chess game '''to know : value of a pwan : 1 value of a knight : 2 value of a bishop : 3 value of a rook : 5 value of the Quenn : 9 value of the King : 10 ''' piece = [(1,2,3,5,9,10)] import numpy as np def chess_board_empty(): #affiche le plateau d'echec sous forme de matrice 8*8 vide board_empty = np.zeros((8,8)) return board_empty print(chess_board_empty()) def chess_board(): board_empty = chess_board_empty() n = range(len(board_empty)) m = range(len(board_empty[0])) for i in n: for j in m: if i == 0: board_empty[j] = piece[j] if i == 1: while j<m: board_empty[i][j] = piece[1] return board_empty print(chess_board())